Saturday 1 June 2013

fail, and recovery (panic attack)

So today, I had an awful panic attack. I tried to get on a bus, but the driver had shut the doors. My boyfriend tried to push me onto the bus, but grabbed me and held me in the process, making everyone look at us. I just broke down in tears :/ 

However, after an hour of crying, I got myself together and asked my mum to drive me. This was a big deal for me because usually if I have a panic attack it affects me for the whole day. And, I ended up having an amazing day in the sun with my sister in Oxford. So here are a few tips i've learnt from my day. I am absolutely no expert, or over my anxiety. But I thought I could help by sharing my experiance.

If you are panicking:
Get out of public ASAP, people watching will make it 1 million times worse.
Once you stop panicking, put some make up on, to help you feel pretty :)
Have a cold glass of water and a snack
Take a Bach rescue remedy (may just be a placebo, but helps me) 
Don't be embarrassed that you panicked, just be proud it won't ruin your day 

If you are with someone panicking:
Please don't grab or cuddle them (my boyfriend was just acting instinctively and being protective, but it really didn't help. I STILL LOVE YOU!)
Don't get cross, my mum and boyfriend told me off for being silly, just because they didn't understand.
Don't panic yourself. A panic attack is not dangerous to your health and the person will be fine.

Panic attacks are really common, never be embarrassed by what they are caused by, but the quicker you recover, the quicker you can start making memories again!!!

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